Describing Art Online Using SEO Techniques
Describing Art Online Using SEO
The art of marketing art in 2018
Each week I write a brand new article to support members of our three wonderful art groups on Facebook, The Artists Exchange, The Artists Directory, and The Artist Hangout. This week we take a look at art descriptions and using the correct metadata so that your images can be found online. If you want to know about how using SEO techniques can increase views of your art on Print on Demand and social-media then read on!
The way we market our artwork is going through a period of change right now what with all the changes affecting social media and the algorithm updates that have definitely been affecting post reach of platforms such as Facebook, but thankfully the changes we need to make to how we market our work shouldn’t be too difficult and neither should they come as a total surprise.
A couple of weeks ago you will remember I published my article on the art of documenting your art which you can read here: where we looked at the importance of documenting your work and previously I had covered the art of the artist’s statement on more than one occasion.
The way you describe your work online and offline is such an important part of the artwork that you create and I can never stress enough just how important it is when it comes to marketing. The description you provide along with your art will give viewers valuable context that is useful not only to guide potential buyers and help them choose but it is also useful to the search engines that index your content to display in their results pages.
Giving artwork a context by adding a relevant and meaningful description is something that you should be spending more time on every time you have created a new work. In fact it is so important that you should probably go back and update past descriptions and metadata for the artwork you have already uploaded online too. For some that’s going to be a mammoth task but one that could see sales come from older works.
Not only has the way we market our art changed in recent years but the way search engines find our work and list it in the search results pages has significantly changed over the past year alone. There are billions of pieces of art online but carry out a quick search on Google or another search engine for a phrase such as “tropical sunset art” and what is noticeable is that each of the search engines will be bringing back similar if not the same sets of results.
This is because they are looking for content that matches the search terms you have provided and the search engines are picking up on and how relevant it feels the metadata, content, and descriptions are compared to the parameters you defined in the search.
It’s a decent enough way of ensuring that what you are searching for is what you see in the results but the problem is that much of the content you will see has been online for many years. Let me put that into some context. If you searched for tropical sunset art six months ago you will have received a set of results displaying what the search engine believed to be the most relevant content. Carry out the same search six months later and with few exceptions it is highly likely that you will get similar content displayed as you did last time.
This doesn’t at all mean that no one ever produced new art depicting a tropical sunset in the past six months, but the content that has been created in between hasn’t been picked up by the search engines as being relevant and that’s not because it’s not relevant, but because the search engines cannot correlate it or compare it with anything because the information they need isn’t there to determine if it is relevant.
There is a reason for that and that is because we spend too little time considering things like search engine optimisation whenever we start marketing new artworks. Hence I keep going on and on about making sure that any artwork wherever it is posted online includes some context and a relevant description. If you want to make sure that your social media posts really start to generate some traffic to your work then it wouldn’t hurt to throw in some keywords that people will use when searching for that particular type of artwork.
If you post a new artwork on Facebook and you don’t provide any context or a good description of the work not only are people more likely to keep scrolling past it, the search engines that look for new content by indexing what is out there will ignore it too. The search engines are also clever enough to detect any spam which is why mimicking the patterns of a spammer by sharing the same content with a million low quality hashtags across everywhere all at once raises a flag and the search engines ignore it and think it’s not relevant. It is relevant of course but the poster was in a hurry.
Talk to any artist who would rather be spending time creating rather than writing or marketing and they will probably tell you that the last thing they consider when publishing their work online is what is known as Search Engine Optimisation or they think that #art equates to full on SEO, yet this really is just as important as the art itself.
Whilst engagement is the only metric that matters on Facebook right now, the only metric that matters in the wider online world beyond Facebook is engagement and SEO.
I often hear that artists struggle to get seen on Print on Demand services and that the POD sites do little to promote individual artists. The reality is that they do promote artists they’re just not promoting every artist.
The role of POD (Print on Demand) sites is to give you an online presence to showcase your art and to fulfil any orders and carry out the transactions. It’s not really their role to promote every artist although it would be nice just occasionally, but that’s not really what they are about. They’re more likely to promote certain artists who they deem as being relevant and who they know will be the safer bets to sell their art, but realistically unless we are helping the POD sites and users to find us we are more often than not going to be sat on the lower end of the results pages until we generate many more sales.
That problem mainly sits with us as artists to solve if we want to creep higher up in those results. Sales will have a bearing on where we are seen and ranked, but it is difficult to get sales if you are sitting on page 75,000 of the search results, no one is going to look through more than a handful of results pages.
If you are placing your work on a site that is controlled by others then your options to improve the overall rank of your art are going to be more limited than if you were to place that content on your own website. For your artwork to be ranked higher then you kind of need to take the bull by the horns and do a little extra work to get it noticed. Creating great art alone doesn’t make people go out and find it or buy it.
Many studies carried out over the years have indicated that those who carry out searches generally give up looking after the first couple of results pages, with only around 10% of those searching continuing to look at pages beyond the first few.
That’s probably going to be similar when our art is ranked in the POD sites results pages, if it doesn’t appear early on then it is likely to hang around much lower in the results. Search engines whoever they are operated by work along similar lines, although the algorithms will and do vary between all of them.
At the beginning of April 2018, the web contained more than 4.52 billion web pages according to the World Wide Web Size site and that’s only the number of indexed pages, many unindexed pages exist too. That’s a huge number of pages and gives you an idea about the level of competition for search ranking space that you are up against.
In short you need to do something that will get you and your work seen and this essentially means that you have to make it easier for bots to see that your work and the text accompanying it is relevant and readable to the bots.
Indexing for the search engines is carried out by bots but bots are nowhere near as intelligent as humans are despite having come a long way in the past five or six years. When a bot crawls a web page it is looking for relevancy, the length and reading level of the content, the number of pages on a site, the age of the site and its structure, and the sites ease of use amongst many other factors and it is those factors that will determine how high whatever you post gets scored and ranked. The moment the bot doesn’t quite understand what it is looking at is the moment it forgets and moves on to something it does understand and this lowers the score and the ranking of your content.
There is no way of knowing for certain how the algorithms in Facebook, Google, Bing, or any of the POD sites really work, but many SEO experts have tested out different ways of increasing content and websites reach so we do know quite a bit about how they work in principle. The exact technical specifications will be closely guarded secrets that only a very few people will know.
Our focus if we are using POD services has to be to ensure that what we are using a relevant description that describes what the art is about and that the metadata tags we chose are intelligently chosen and have a fit with what we are describing.
Using the wrong meta-data tags for example is a little like using the wrong hashtags on social media. If you use the hashtag #ModernArt to describe something such as a sandwich the tag won’t be seen as being relevant. If you are using a trending hashtag such as something like #trendingTopicOfTheDay just to encourage click through’s to your site or content then this will be seen as click-baiting and your rank will suffer.
Using low quality hashtags and meta-data or anything that is not relevant to your art will also lower your ranking. That’s one of the reasons I have maintained over the past twelve-months that using the wrong hashtags or too many of them in social media posts is more likely to drive down engagement and clicks instead of pushing them up.
SEO is really important and whilst it’s important to understand the nuances of it there are some simple things that you should be taking more notice of and doing than other things. Let’s take setting up some SEO for your art page as an example.
If you use keywords that describe you as a landscape artist you wouldn’t show up anywhere near the top of the search results because there are literally millions of artists who create landscape art and you would be competing for the same space in the search results. Many of those artists will already have a grip on SEO and will dominate their respective areas for a while to come.
This is where you have to become smarter at optimising everything to reach your intended audience. Landscape artist is too generic and will have a very high competition for search traffic, but refining it so that the data you use to describe what it is you do might put you at or near the top of search results when those searching are using more niche search terms.
If you paint landscapes of your local area there still might be some competition for the keywords so you need to refine the list of potential keywords a little more. If you can whittle the keywords down and make them even more relevant to what is being searched for, your ranking will improve.
In this example we might want to add “affordable landscape art in Florida” if Florida describes the subject location and style of your work and that it is affordable.
Coming up with good keywords thankfully is relatively easy these days. Google’s very own Keyword planner is a useful free tool which will give you some insights into the best keywords to use at any given time, but I maintain that one of the best ways of coming up with relevant keywords is to grab a notebook and a pen and do some good old fashioned brainstorming and start thinking about how you would search for your own work.
You need to think of at least 25-30 ways of asking Google to display your work or your site. Searching for Mark Taylor art will probably throw up my work somewhere on the first page or at least first few pages of a Google search but searching for Mark Taylor Beechhouse Media art, will or should put me at the top of Google’s results. That’s because it is very specific and to get the best results when searching for anything, you have to be specific. The more specific you can be in matching the words that people might use to search for you the better the results.
By being specific though you will encounter a slight downside. The total number of people searching for the general term “art” will likely miss out on results pointing them to your page because the competition is so much higher for the keyword “art”.
However, “art by (insert your name here)” makes the search far more specific and the results are likely to reflect that and point back to you.
So imagine this in the context of print on demand. When I took a look through a couple of POD sites last week I purposely went towards the back end of the search results and found some exceptional work by artists who I had never heard of. There was something in common with most of the works though and it was that there really wasn’t very much in the way of a description of the art and keywords seemed to be few and far between, not relevant, and that’s for those who included keywords in the first place.
Some of the art was more relevant to me than the art I was searching for, but the keywords and tags or lack of them, down-ranked the works to the point that it might as well have been invisible and I expect so much more of it was. Bots aren’t clever enough just yet to find relevancy in an image with 100% success, they are though much better at detecting relevancy from text.
Use keywords wisely…
Now we know that keywords are the true masters of our online destiny one would be forgiven for thinking that we should use every phrase someone might search for within our metadata. That’s a big no, no too. This is what is known as keyword stuffing and bots are really good at detecting sites and content that pushes keywords at the expense of good quality content. Frequent use of the same keywords or keywords that don’t seem to have a fit with the content on the page will indicate to the bots that the keywords have been used to drive traffic irrespective of what content is on the link.
The Description…
So now know that keywords are important we should also consider the descriptions we place next to the art that we display on the POD sites.
In one of my previous articles about writing artists statements we looked at how we could use various words to describe our art and so I thought it would be useful to include them in this article too so that you can access them whenever you need to write a new description for your latest or even not so latest artwork.
A description need only be relatively brief, although not as brief as the 24x30, oil, $300, IM me, descriptions we see so much of on Facebook. The description of your art is not only telling the viewer what your art is about it is also letting the bots know what is going on too.
Ideally descriptions should be simple and readable, provide an introduction to the work and open up the viewer to some basic ideas and principles used within the work. What they should never do is tell the viewer how to interpret the artwork, and at the point of describing your art, you are not describing you.
You can expand on the detail by adding in some of the following too:
- Why
- History
- How this work relates to your previous works
- How the work fits in current art
- What or who inspired the work
- Who or what influences were used in the creation of the work
- How the work fits in with exhibitions or competitions if that is relevant
- How the work may form a series of works
- Why a certain style is important to the work
- Medium the artwork is produced on and size if multiple sizes aren’t available.
Sometimes it is difficult to find the words to describe the piece of art so we often use repetition of words we have historically used in art descriptions but there is no one size fits all art description that can be used so that the viewer can read it and the bots can too.
For this next part I have republished the lists of useful words that can be used as a prompt when writing descriptions of your artwork so that you have a variety of them to use in anything new and in order that your descriptions don’t all sound the same!
Subject Specific Terminology
Describing Lines |
Flowing |
Simple |
Broken |
Dashed |
Curved |
Curvature |
Arc |
Bold |
Thin |
Fine |
Thick |
Linear |
Diagonal |
Oblique |
Parallel |
Ridged |
Serpentine |
Solid |
Straight |
Tangential |
Wavy |
Describing Tone & Colour |
Ablaze |
Subtle |
Contrasting |
Muted |
Dramatic |
Bleached |
Bold |
Brash |
Bright |
Clean |
Cool |
Warm |
Delicate |
Harmonious |
Harsh |
Glowing |
Iridescent |
Opaque |
Light |
Monotone |
Neutral |
Opalescent |
Restrained |
Sombre |
Translucent |
Vibrant |
Rich |
Watery |
Washed-Out |
Faded |
Describing Texture |
Rough |
Fine |
Smooth |
Coarse |
Uneven |
Flat |
Raised |
Finish |
Feel |
To the touch |
Velvety |
Glazed |
Glassy |
Rustic |
Rusty |
Metallic |
Flexible |
Glossy |
Pearlescent |
Slick |
Oily |
Wet |
Sharp |
Bumpy |
Pitched |
Convex |
Concave |
Abrasive |
Calcified |
Cottony |
Cracked |
Aged |
Cobbled |
Depressed |
Distorted |
Embossed |
Engraved |
Dull |
Gauzy |
Impenetrable |
Porous |
Irregular |
Woven |
Pebbled |
Paved |
Protuberant |
Silken |
Unblemished |
Describing Shape |
Organic |
Aerodynamic |
Curvaceous |
Geometric |
Angular |
Asymmetrical |
Rugged |
Closed |
Concave |
Convex |
Spherical |
Cylindrical |
Concentric |
Congruent |
Convoluted |
Fitted |
Malformed |
Misshapen |
Proportioned |
Round |
Circular |
Tapered |
Well-turned |
Two-dimensional |
Three-dimensional |
Wraparound |
Describing Movement |
Swirling |
Flowing |
Dynamic |
Dramatic |
Fast |
Swift |
Brisk |
Nimble |
Deft |
Slow |
Unhurried |
Measured |
Stately |
Leisurely |
Sedate |
Deliberate |
Lazy |
Languid |
Glacial |
Sluggish |
Leisured |
Balletic |
Dainty |
Lithe |
Fluent |
Feline |
Graceful |
Describing Scale |
Large |
Small |
Intimate |
Miniature |
Monumental |
Disproportionate |
Isometric |
Life-size |
Scale |
Giant |
Microscopic |
Immense |
Petite |
Vast |
Great |
Tiny |
Colossal |
Short |
Tall |
Small |
Gigantic |
Huge |
Describing Contrast |
Dramatic |
Subtle |
Strong |
Heavy |
Light |
Pale |
Harmony |
Likeness |
Uniformity |
Divergence |
Dissimilarity |
Oppositeness |
Opposition |
Adverse |
Contraposition |
Differentiation |
Distinction |
Comparison |
Contrariety |
Dissimilitude |
Unity |
Conformity |
Sameness |
The following list covers many of the artistic styles and movements and I am sure that there are some which I haven’t remembered to include, but these will help you to come up with even better descriptions of your work and will let the view know that what they have in the search results will be relevant to them.
Describing Art Styles & Movements |
Abstract |
Abstraction |
Abstract Expressionism |
Art Brut |
Art Deco |
Art Nouveau |
Baroque |
Bauhaus |
Ceramics |
Classical |
Constructivism |
Contemporary |
Cubism |
Dada |
Digital Art |
Expressionism |
Fauvism |
Fine Art Photography |
Folk Art |
Found Art |
Futurism |
Glass Art |
Gothic |
Graphic Design |
Harlem Renaissance |
Impressionism |
Installation Art |
Linear Expressionism |
Medieval |
Minimalism |
Modern Art |
Modernism |
Neo-Classical Art |
Neo-Expressionism |
Op-Art |
Orientalism |
Outsider Art |
Painting |
Photography |
Photorealism |
Pop Art |
Post Modernism |
Pottery |
Pre-Raphaelite |
Prints |
Realism |
Representational |
Rococo |
Romanticism |
Surrealism |
Symbolic |
Traditional |
Virtual Art |
Wood Working |
OTHERS not in any order |
Futurism |
Vorticism |
Suprematism |
De Stijil |
Abstract Illusionism |
Academic Art |
American Impressionism |
American Realism |
Aestheticism |
Analytical Art |
Auto-Destructive Art |
Les Automatistes |
Assemblage |
Blobitecture |
Contextual Art |
Daul-al-Set |
Excessivism |
Feminist Art |
Figurative Art |
Folk Art |
Harlem Renaissance |
Hyper modernism |
Humanistic Aestheticism |
Typographic |
Kinetic Art |
Land Art |
Landscape Art |
Letterism |
Lyco Art |
Massurrealism |
Maximalism |
Neoclassism |
Naïve Art |
Objective Expressionism |
Pixel Art |
Plasticien |
Post Minimalism |
Primitivism |
Procedural Art |
Purism |
Shock Art |
Street Art |
Synchronism |
Toyism |
Transgressive Art |
Tonalism |
Video Art |
General Descriptive Words
Absorbing |
Abstraction |
Acclaimed |
Accomplished |
Aesthetic |
Aggressive |
Appealing |
Atmospheric |
Authentic |
Avant-garde |
Balanced |
Banal |
Abundance |
Boundless |
Balance |
Beauty |
Body |
Brushwork |
Brush strokes |
Candid |
Characteristic |
Collectable |
Complimentary |
Contemplative |
Controversial |
Conversational |
Conviction |
Concept |
Character |
Complexity |
Composition |
Contrasting |
Creativity |
Daring |
Decorative |
Daring |
Dazzling |
Dense |
Detailed |
Disciplined |
Dimensional |
Delicate |
Dreamy |
Dreamlike |
Divine |
Distinguished |
Disruptive |
Dense |
Dynamic |
Design |
Detail |
Diptych |
Duality |
Decorative |
Depict |
Develop |
Display |
Distort |
Distortion |
Drawn |
Depth |
Drab |
Dull |
Disturbing |
Eclectic |
Elevated |
Embellished |
Embody |
Emerge |
Emphasise |
Enchanted |
Envision |
Etched |
Evoke |
Exhibit |
Explore |
Experience |
Explore |
Exploration |
Expressive |
Expressed |
Elevating |
Emerging |
Emergent |
Emotion |
Emotional |
Emotionally charged |
Energetic |
Engaging |
Engrossing |
Enigmatic |
Epochal |
Ethereal |
Evocative |
Exceptional |
Extreme |
Explosive |
Erotic |
Figure |
Figurative |
Form |
Figure |
Format |
Fascinate |
Feel |
Feeling |
Focussed |
Focus |
Fusion |
Fused |
Forced |
Forced Perspective |
Flat |
Frantic |
Frigid |
Fascinating |
Figural |
Figurative |
Fluidity |
Fluid |
Freelance |
Fresh |
Famed |
Fluidity |
Gorgeous |
Graceful |
Granular |
Gallery |
Gravitas |
Gothic |
Geometric |
Geometry |
Honest |
Hyper-Realistic |
Hyper-Creative |
Hanging |
Hung |
Hue |
Hollow |
Hotel Art |
Incompetent |
Inconsistent |
Inexperienced |
Insincere |
Irrelevant |
Iconic |
Icon |
Iconic Value |
Ideal |
Illustrated |
Illustration |
Images |
Imagery |
Impact |
Innovative |
Innovation |
Innovate |
Inspired |
Inspiration |
Intricacies |
Interlace |
Interpret |
Interwoven |
Interweave |
Intriguing |
Intrigue |
Inverted |
Invert |
Intensive |
Insensitive |
Interesting |
Infusion |
Infused |
Intuitive |
Inventive |
Journey |
Journal |
Juxtaposition |
Japonism |
Judaica |
Junk Art |
Justified Type |
Juvenilia |
Jaggies |
Jali |
Jalee |
Jamb |
Juxtapose |
Kagle |
Kakemono |
Kamakura |
Kelvin |
Kerf |
Kerning |
Keystone |
Kiln |
Kinesiology |
Kinetic |
Kneaded |
Labyrinthine |
Layered |
Lifelike |
Literal |
Lateral |
Luminous |
Lyrical |
Lacking |
Loose |
Lost |
Lacklustre |
Lifeless |
Mature |
Meandering |
Mosaic |
Mosaic-like |
Moving |
Mysterious |
Mystical |
Mediocre |
Manipulation |
Masterpiece |
Mastery |
Maturity |
Meaning |
Medium |
Methodology |
Method |
Mixed-Media |
Mood |
Motif |
Movement |
Museum |
Mystique |
Moving |
Motion |
Motionless |
Narrative |
Nuance |
Numb |
Naïve |
Namban |
Naming |
Naples Yellow |
Nera |
Narthex |
Nave |
Negative Space |
Neo |
Neolithic |
Netsuke |
New |
New Wave |
Niche |
Niello |
Nimbus |
Non-representational |
Nuance |
Nostalgia |
Numbered |
Organic |
Obelisk |
Objectify |
Objectification |
Objectivity |
Oblique |
Oblong |
Obtuse |
Occlude |
Ochre |
Octagonal |
Oculus |
Offset |
Oil Gilding |
Oilstone |
Old |
Old Master |
Opalescence |
Opaque |
Opaqueness |
Oppression |
Original |
Ormolu |
Orpiment |
Outsider |
Outsider Art |
Overpainting |
Ovoid |
Over glazed |
Pedestrian |
Passion |
Passionate |
Plain |
Paradoxical |
Peaceful |
Predictable |
Pretentious |
Paisley |
Pale |
Palaeolithic |
Palette |
Palladian |
Panache |
Pantheon |
Pantograph |
Papier Collé |
Papyrus |
Parabola |
Parallel |
Parchment |
Parergon |
Parquetry |
Passé |
Passe-partout |
Pastiche |
Patron |
Patronage |
Pedagogy |
Penumbra |
Perpetual |
Perpetual Abstraction |
Period |
Periodicity |
Peristyle |
Permanence |
Persistence |
Personification |
Perspective |
Photogram |
Photogravure |
Photo screen |
Pictograph |
Picturesque |
Pigment |
Printing |
Printed |
Pitch |
Pixel |
Pixilation |
Pixel-Shim |
Planography |
Plasticity |
Plinth |
Pointillism |
Polyptych |
Philosophy |
Photo-realistic |
Photograph |
Positive Space |
Post-Minimalism |
Primitive |
Prism |
Positively |
Perceived |
Perception |
Quatrefoil |
Quart |
Quarto |
Quill |
Quin |
Rabbet |
Radial |
Radius |
Raising |
Rarity |
Realgar |
Recto |
Reflective |
Reflection |
Reformation |
Reflexivity |
Refraction |
Regular |
Regularity |
Relic |
Render |
Repetition |
Replicate |
Repoussé |
Resin |
Retinal |
Retouched |
Retrospective |
Reversal |
Romanesque |
Realistic |
Reality |
Removed |
Rusticate |
Rustic |
Rusted |
Senseless |
Sanctuary |
Santero |
Scale |
Schematic Stage |
Screen print |
Scrim |
Scumble |
Secession |
Section |
Semi-mat |
Senses |
Sense |
Sensorial |
Sensuality |
Sentiment |
Sepia |
Serigraphy |
Shadow |
Shang |
Shard |
Shim |
Simile |
Sincere |
Size |
Slurry |
Socio-Realism |
Spiral |
Split |
Stabile |
Stereoscopic |
Stimulate |
Simulate |
Stipple |
Subjectivity |
Subjective |
Subliminal |
Suffuse |
Support |
Surface |
Symbiotic |
Synaesthesia |
Synoptic |
Synthetic |
Synthetic-cubism |
Synthesis |
Tactile |
Talent |
Tamping |
Tanka |
Tapping |
Torn |
Teleidoscope |
Teleology |
Temper |
Temperature |
Tendentious |
Terra |
Tessera |
Texture |
Tilt |
Tuluene |
Tonality |
Tonal |
Tone |
Transformed |
Transparent |
Truncated |
Typography |
Typology |
Uniformity |
Unidroit |
Unique |
Universal |
Unpack |
Value |
Value Key |
Variances |
Variation |
Vanishing point |
Variegated |
Variety |
Vellum |
Veneer |
Vermicular |
Vignette |
Viridian |
Virtual |
Visual |
Visualise |
Vitreous |
Vitrify |
Vitrine |
Void |
Volatile |
Volume |
Vorticism |
Voussoirs |
Wall |
Warm |
Warped |
Wrapped |
Washed |
Water-Soluble |
Weaving |
Woven |
Webbed |
Xanthic |
Yayoi |
Yellowing |
Zinc |
Zoom |
Zoomorphic |
Zoopraxiscope |
Using words from each table should help you to be able to describe whatever work you want to describe, and each will add some additional relevance to your keywords and SEO when used sensibly. Just don’t turn them all into hashtags and list them on everything you write!
Update the SEO on your own pages too…
Updating the search engine optimisation for your images viewable through print on demand is something that you should be doing on a regular basis. If you last updated your descriptions three or four years ago then what was relevant as a keyword back then might not be at all relevant today.
If you have a website that is external to the print on demand site then you will have another opportunity to control the metadata and descriptions and make your website easier to search for too.
Every web page has a description but again one of the things I often find is that it’s never filled in or it is filled in with the wrong type of description! If you leave it blank then Google will capture the first 70-characters or so of the text on the page and this is what Google will use as a search description which might not be totally relevant to the overall content further on.
So here’s a tip, when writing anything at all use the first 70-characters of the main text to let people know what else is on the webpage and if you forget to update the page description at least the search bots will still find some relevancy in the initial content.
When it comes to images of our work as I said earlier, the bots aren’t too hot just yet on getting the context of an image. Whilst Facebook and Google have some image recognition technology we are still a way off this being really useful to us as artists.
Make sure that the images you have on your sites also include metadata too. The data can easily be added from software such as Adobe Lightroom and if not make sure that you can add data to the images alt-image tag. Alt-tags are second only to the description of the image so it’s a wasted opportunity if you don’t include them.
Now get writing!
Knowing that descriptions and metadata are essential in getting your artwork seen there is no time like the present to get started on updating those descriptions and tags and making them even more relevant than they were when you last updated them. Think of SEO as a living thing, it constantly needs to be fed with relevancy.
A really bad website can generate way more traffic than the best websites out there and this is all down to optimising it properly. If someone spends time creating quality content and thinking about sensibly using keywords and descriptions the bots and indexing algorithms will pick it up.
Of course the expectation has to be set around how long this will all take. It takes some time before the bots will start looking for new content but sites such as Google will allow you to submit content so that their bots can start indexing on their next trawl in your specific area as it were, but we have to be realistic that good SEO is an ongoing strategy and one which will take some time before we start to see significant increases in traffic.
There is no guaranteed fast-track way of speeding any of this up but there are other things that you could be doing to increase your visibility online. Engagement is the key metric that Facebook favours right now so whenever you are participating in groups, start engaging and having conversations.
If you are a member of the myriad of forums become more active in those communities too and let people know that you and your work are out there.
And look at content that you have created in the past and figure out what did and didn’t work. Did a single piece of art gain more views than your other works combined? Perhaps that was the subject matter or perhaps it was the way you described the artwork or the tags you used to bring people to that artwork.
No one said art was easy and they definitely never said that marketing it was either, but unless you do something that makes your work visible I’m afraid the reality is that it will be forever invisible and that’s a real shame.
Do you have any art tips to share with other artists on getting your work seen? If so please do feel free to leave a comment below!
About Mark…
I am an artist and blogger who specialises in abstracts, landscapes, and seascapes. My work is sold in more than 150 retail locations across the USA and Canada including The Great Frame Up, Framing and Art Centre, and Deck the Walls and you can also buy from Fine Art America or my Pixels site here:
All artwork and art collectibles sold through Fine Art America and Pixels also come with a 30-day money back guarantee and any proceeds from sales through Fine Art America and Pixels go back towards maintaining this site for the benefit of other independent visual artists and art buyers. It takes a huge amount of time to write articles and support the many artists who reach out to me for advice outside of this site, so even buying a greetings card through my Pixels site allows me to keep doing it! The great news is that I have just lowered my artist’s commission on Fine Art America and Pixels across a range of products for a limited time!
You can also follow me on Facebook at: and on Twitter @beechhouseart
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